Anti-Bullying: Change Starts With Us | Stop Pesten NU


Anti-Bullying: Change Starts With Us

This poem was written with young people who have worked on Anti-Bullying Week this year and with O2 and Unique Voice.

It is accompanied by a Change Starts With Us report which outlines young people's recommendations for change to help us address bullying both online and face to face. You can find out more at Thank you to all the young people who took part and Diana Award, Kidscape, Henley College and RAW Mentoring for your support.

Change Starts With Us: message of encouragement

Face to face or through a smart phone,
bullying leaves marks and makes people feel alone.
To make a real change within society, 
we must work together, united, in solidarity.

Schools, change starts with what we need,
support us to take the lead.
It does still happen face to face,
help us make a safer space.

Influencers, change starts with more than popularity,
everyone is different but we all have similarities.
Before that comment, DM or text,
think about the repercussions, what will be next?

Government, change starts with research,
think about children when you’re on your perch.
Use your platform and your responsibility,
support or make a change and prevent hostility.

Parents, change starts with guidance,
talk to us, we don’t want silence.
Help us to find our way,
and be there when we need to say.

Online platforms, change starts with protections,
we love getting involved but guide our connections.
Be clear with us what you expect,
and stop the hate that you detect.

Finally, young people, change starts with us,
it starts with the people we trust.
It doesn’t matter ‘bout followers and likes,
Or the labels you wear, or the logo, or the price.

Change starts with me, us, them, and you,
it’s up to all of us to see it through.
We need to stop, think, rearrange,
it’s up to us bring about change.

Change starts with us!




Kinderen en jongeren

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