Safer Internet Day 2020 Impact Report published | Stop Pesten NU


Safer Internet Day 2020 Impact Report published

Safer Internet Day 2020 reached more young people than ever before, with 49% of UK children aged 8-17 hearing about the day. Our impact report looks at the reach of Safer Internet Day 2020 and the positive impact that it had on children, young people, parents, carers, and teachers.

There was a huge range of Safer Internet Day supporters this year, with 1,741 organisations spreading the word of the day, running activities and joining in on social media. 

What Impact Did It Have?

  • There were 1,208,676 views of Safer Internet Day films.
  • 1,162,501 downloads of educational resources.
  • The #SaferInternetDay hashtag was used 63,831 times on Twitter, trending at number 1 throughout the day.

Impact of Safer Internet Day 2020

Safer Internet Day reached more children and young people than ever before, with 49% of young people in the UK hearing about the day! We also saw over 1,700 organisations across the UK coming together and planning activities to celebrate the day and thousands supporting the #SaferInternetDay and #freetobe social media campaign!

Read the 2 page impact report

Highlights: Safer Internet Day reached 49% of young people aged 8-17 and 26% of parents


Source UK Safer Internet Center


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