2022 Pacer October Bullying Preventie Month USA | Stop Pesten NU

2022 Pacer October Bullying Preventie Month USA

October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Sponsored by PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center® since 2006

More than 1 out of every 5 students report being bullied.

National Bullying Prevention Month (NBPM) is a campaign founded in 2006 by PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center. The campaign is held during the month of October and connects communities around the world to help prevent bullying. This past year, a worldwide pandemic and a growing movement for racial equity and social justice have highlighted the need to unite communities for a better future. It is more important than ever to join together in creating a world that is kinder, more accepting, and more inclusive.

Take action at school, at home, in your neighborhood,
at a local business, or in your workplace to show that you care about kids being safe at school, online, and in the community.

Do you want to get involved? Here’s how!

• Unite with others and add your name to the online “Together Against Bullying” pledge

• Sign up for the NBPC newsletter to receive updates and information on new resources and initiatives

• Order the new bullying prevention five-poster series

• Participate on social media by changing your profile image and sharing bullying prevention posts

• Wear and share ORANGE on Unity Day, the day everyone can come together—in schools, communities, and online—to send one big, ORANGE message of support, hope, and solidarity

Do you want to involve the whole school or community? Here’s how!

• Raise awareness and increase understanding about bullying prevention with our FREE creative activities and resources for K-12 students, educators, and parents

• Engage your students or community by registering for the new NBPM Activity Kit to promote kindness, acceptance, and inclusion for everyone

• Access the new distance learning resources designed for K-12 students

• Register your school or organization as a Champion Against Bullying

• Inform the media about activities in your community, such as Unity Day events at your school or in your neighborhood

• Coordinate a fundraising project and donate to PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center

Learn more at PACER.org/Bullying

Engage youth each week with activities that support the weekly theme!

Week One: Exlpore

Learn how kindness, acceptance, and inclusion can help prevent bullying.

Action Items:
Show the bullying prevention slideshow and provide the follow-up quizzes for elementary  or middle and high school  students. 

Student Activity Book:

  • Provide an overview of National Bullying Prevention Month along with weekly themes. (Page 2) .
  • Define unity, kindness, acceptance, and inclusion using words, art, or music. (Page 3) .
  • Encourage youth to write down acts of kindness, acceptance, and inclusion that they see and where they see them happen. Note: This can be done throughout the month. (Page 4) .

Classroom Poster or Bulletin Board:
As a group, define—using content from the page 3 exercise in the student activity book—unity, kindness, acceptance, and inclusion using words, art, or music.

Week Two: Plan

Record ideas for wearing and sharing orange on Unity Day.

Action Items:
Review the Unity Day Guide , as well as the supplemental guide for virtual activation . Then, think through ideas for wearing and sharing orange, such as items to wear, group projects, art, and other activities.

Student Activity Book: 
Encourage youth to think through and write down their ideas for participating in Unity Day. (Page 5) .

Classroom Poster or Bulletin Board:
As a group, record ideas—using content from the page 5 exercise in the student activity book—to GO ORANGE for Unity Day. As a group, decide which activities you’d like to implement for Unity Day (week 3). 

Week Three: Celebrate

Gather in-person or online on Unity Day to share your efforts
and show your commitment.

Action Items:
Engage in your planned activities from week two.Student Activity Book:
Complete one or more of the acrostic templates. (Page 6) .Classroom Poster or Bulletin Board:
Invite everyone to add their own custom mark, such as an emoji, picture, thumbprint, or signature.
Week Four: Reflect

Determine ways to continue creating a kinder, more inclusive, 
and more accepting world all year.

Action Items:

Ask students to share something they learned during National Bullying Prevention Month.

Student Activity Book:

Classroom Poster or Bulletin Board:

As a group, record ideas—using content from the page 7 exercise in the student activity book—for continuing bullying prevention efforts throughout the year.