Who is your Local Legend Bullying-Free NZ Week 2022 | Stop Pesten NU

Bullying-Free NZ 2022 Who is your Local Legend Week tegen Pesten Nieuw Zeeland

When is Bullying-Free Week NZ? 

In 2022, Bullying-Free Week NZ is from 16th to 20th of May, 2022. 

What is the theme for Bullying-Free Week 2022? 

This year (2022), the theme for Bullying-Free Week is Local Legends Big or Small. This year's theme is to focus on the positive mahi (work) that is already being done in school communities across New Zealand in order to support safe, inclusive school cultures where all students feel like they are being heard and listened to, and where students feel like they belong. Additionally, every year the Bullying-Free Week follows the theme of 'He kōtuinga mahi iti, he hua pai-ā-rau' meaning 'small ripples create big waves'. 

Why is NZ Anti Bullying Week important? 

NZ Bullying-Free Week is an important part of the school calendar. It offers teachers the chance to get information from their students about their experiences, pass on information, and also revisit the policies instated by the school for dealing with difficult situations. 

According to bullyingfree.nz, new evidence suggests that bullying is more than a dispute or tricky relationship between two individuals. Bullying is a far larger socio-ecological problem, affected by peer groups, families, schools and wider society. For this reason, Bullying Free NZ have devised a ‘whole school’ approach, the idea being that teachers integrate positive, anti-bullying activities into a wide range of subjects. By involving different members of the school community, from staff to students and parents, in bullying prevention activities and making these anti-bullying practices routine, difficulties are easier to spot and to deal with. Rather than treating problems when they occur, as one-off instances, it can be much more effective to create a consistent, synergised strategy. 

Anti-Bullying Week is a great time to revisit and refine this strategy. Life, particularly in school, is busy. Taking advantage of this national event to share and swap ideas, to make sure your teaching strategies are up-to-date and effective as possible, can help your school become as safe as possible for your students. 

Teaching tools from Twinkl, perfect for NZ Anti Bullying Week

Primary School Action Pack 

This pack was created by students, for students. Inside you'll find ideas and activities that have been tested by students across New Zealand.

High School Action Pack

Find out how to take the lead to prevent bullying, spread the word, and make a change. You'll find ideas and activities that have been tested by students across New Zealand high schools.

Teacher Activity Pack 
