Les idee 185: Anti bullying short film: The Bus stop (2017) | Stop Pesten NU

Les idee 185: Anti bullying short film: The Bus stop (2017)

You won't believe what happens to the bully in this video! This short film tells the story of Angela, an elderly woman who is bullied by a group of teenagers at a bus stop. She crosses paths again with, Carter, one of the bullies. Their confrontation leads to an unexpected outcome. Based on a true story.

All rights of this film belong to Magalie De Genova ( Magic Cube)

Writor/director: Magalie De Genova Producer: Ryan Tremblay
Executive producer: Magalie De Genova
CAST Angela Wellington: Anne Shepherd Carter: David Knoll Carter's mom: Kerry-Lee Finkle Bully #2: Jovan Kocic Bully #3: Nicholas Postma