Critical Cyberbullying Statistics in 2020 - BroadbandSearch | Stop Pesten NU


Critical Cyberbullying Statistics in 2020 - BroadbandSearch

Bullying has been a part of life since people first started living in sedentary communities. For some reason, people have always found it comforting to put other people down, even if the comments they make are mean and hurtful.

This can help explain why, in 2020, 73 percent of students ( bullying-cyberbullying-data) feel they have been bullied in their lifetime, and why 44 percent say it has happened in the last 30 days. However, the emergence of and universal adoption of social media has opened the door for a new type of bullying: cyberbullying. Cyberbullying (in het Nederlands lezen over online pesten of cyberpesten, >> klik hier <<) is bullying that takes place over digital devices such as cell phones, computers, and tablets, which includes, but is not limited to, SMS and text messages, social media, forums, online gaming and any other app that allows people to view, participate and share content. [ and the National Crime Prevention Center]

A Growing Problem in 2020

Cyberbullying is a real problem in today's society. Consider that:



Download hier het volledige rapport "51 Critical Cyberbullying Statistics in 2020 - BroadbandSearch"




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