To stop abuse, we first need to understand grooming | Grace Tame | TEDxSydney | Stop Pesten NU

To stop abuse, we first need to understand grooming TEDxSydney

This talk contains a discussion of child sexual abuse, which some viewers may find to be distressing or objectionable. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here:

At 15, Grace Tame was groomed and raped by her maths teacher. In this powerful talk she reveals how important it is to detangle and understand the complex web of tactics used by perpetrators, if we are to ever stop this abuse from happening. 2021 Australian of the Year, Grace Tame is an outspoken advocate for survivors of sexual assault, particularly those who were abused in institutional settings. From age 15, Grace was groomed and raped by her 58-year-old maths teacher, who was found guilty and jailed for his crimes.

However, under Tasmania’s sexual-assault victim gag laws, Grace couldn’t legally speak out about her experience – despite the perpetrator and media being free to do so. Grace has demonstrated extraordinary courage – using her voice to push for legal reform and raise public awareness about the impacts of sexual violence. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

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